Game Loop
Score Ducklings
Steal Ducklings
Find Wild Ducklings
Players compete to bring the most ducklings to the nest before time runs out. Collected ducklings follow players in a line, and must be kept away from harm to survive.
Designing "Chaos"
The game's design is aimed towards allowing as much intensity and craziness as possible, while still feeling fair and predictable enough to have competitive value.
Growing Tail
The more ducklings a player collects without scoring, the harder managing their "duckling-tail" becomes. ergo: as players skill increase, so does the challenge.
Ramping up Intensity
As a game progresses, the spawn-rates of both ducklings and hazards increase. This gives each match an exciting dynamic and pacing, and makes replaying more enjoyable.
Project Lead
Gameplay Design/Scripting
Pitching & Presenting
Movement Design & Scripting
Duckling Behaviour
Game Overview
Fast-Paced Chaos
Intuitive UX
A nice touch to the players dash ability. It can knock people into each other any number of times. These sorts of mechanical details provide a good element of unpredictability and brings some depth to the gameplay.